My grandfather John Edward Hawley (sitting down) enlisted into the 14th (Kings) Hussars in January 1905 when he was just over 16 years old. He gave this photograph to my grandmother. I don't know who the other chap (not in uniform), is, possibly a friend or brother.
My grandfather in uniform (14th (Kings) Hussars). He has filled out compared to first photo . This photograph was taken in Colchester so he was in Colchester Barracks at some point, possibly passing through to India where his Regiment was sent in 1906
My grandfather got the 1914 (Mons) Star with Clasp which means he saw action with the BEF in France between August 5 and November 1914. Subsequenly he was transfered into the Machine Gun Corp (Calvalry)
My grandfather's family came from Hardingstone in Nothamptonshire
William Morris, my maternal great grandfather. My mother once told me (I think) that his family originated from St Davids,Pembrokeshire
My maternal great grandmother My mother couldn't remember her name but she did remeber that her grandparents lived in Wolverton, Buckinghamshire (corner house , Young Street - now demolished)
My grandfather at peace (well out of uniform) Could have been taken before, during or after WWII (I think just after)
My Grandmother, Elizabeth Hawley taken in Northampton in late 60's
uncle Norman, my mother's younger brother was in Merchant Navy during WWII, He immegrated to New Zealand after WWII
My maternal grandmother Lizzie had 2 older brothers. Jesse and Roland, and at least 2 sisters one of whom died
Kate Morris, my grandmothers older sister
Kate married into the army as well but to an officer - Captain Rowbottom (here with daughters Phyllis and Ruth) They also has a sone Teddy and daughter Kitty