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  • Yep Family circa 1948 ?: (hoto scanned by D.Middleburgh) I have photos of my grand and great grandparents. Until this one turned up in her mothers papers after her recent death, Rebeca had none. Not sure when or where this was taken. Is before 1948, possibly in Guangdong to where Rebecca's mother had fled when the Japanese had occupied Hong Kong and from where her father came. The photo shows Rebeca's maternal grandmather's, her parents and eldest brother and sister.
  • Rebeca's Mother: - Chu Tai Mui/ Tsai Tai Mui -in her early 20's?. Although from a traditional family, I am told that it was she that set her cap at her husband. Apparently he was "educated" and therefore a catch!! and in the best traditions of Chinese romances , she walked miles to see him
  • YEP Maternal Grandmother: Rebeca's mother in latter years had her mothers eyes.I have only recently discovered that she had a sister living in Wan Chai (who does not have the same eyes!!)
  • YEP paternal grandmother: We are assuming this is Rebeca's paternal grandmother from the posing .. but she looks awfully young !! According to family papers his mother's name was Ng Sze (and her husband was Yep Kan Cun)
  • Rebeca's Father: Yep Sheung Wing wasborn in Canton (Tung Koon Kwangtung) on 6 march 1920. In 1946 he temporarily "enlisted" in British Navy in HK claining to be a sailor from HK. (I understand that the RN recruited local chinese at end of the war to support restablish of British administration) Through 1954-9 he worked on contract in Malaya, BuneiNorth Borneo and Nauru as a Diesel Autofitter and Driver for the British Malayan Petroleum Company, Gammon (Malaya) Ltd and British Phosphate Commisioners
  • My father Daniel Middleburgh: I only heard him play the violin a couple of times - I suspect my lack of musical skills is inherited and the scary thing is in the photo he looks the spitting image of me at the same age.
  • Daniel & Phyllis Middleburgh: 1948 ? A tad grainy - blown up from a honeymoon or wedding photo - my mum and dad, Phyllis and Daniel Middleburgh
  • Daniel & Phyllis Middleburgh, Au Bord Du Gallus: Ttaken on a day cruise on the M.V. Gallus off Nice, France in 1949 , Mum is about same age as my daughter is now give or take.!
  • Family Midleburgh by the sea: I am almost 100% sure this was taken at Brighton - other photos in the same series show the boating pool which was near the pier
  • Barmitzvah Mum: My barmitzvah was a big deal: Mum is/was 4 years older than Rebeca's mother
  • Middleburgh conquors Triglav: I am the one on the right, Mum doesn't rembember that I had naturally curly hair !. Triglav is the highest mountain in the Julian Alps !! and there are some spectaular photos of mine in Dublin where I am looking down at the clouds (below me ) from near top of this mount !! (read the wikopedia article on Triglav)
  • Sarah Middleburgh (photo enhanced by D.Middleburgh) This set of photos has a theme of mothers, daughters and grandmothes - rebeca's grandmother and mother and my mother are included so it seems fitting there should also be a captured pictire of my daughter as well

posted by David Middleburgh on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Permalink