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HK Aberdeen Shrine 8

HK Aberdeen Shrine 8
photo by D.Middleburgh

At first glance is neglected ... but note the incense stick pot - in good order and used recently(?)This was outside small shop opposite Aberdeen Praya

HK Aberdeen Shrine 7

HK Aberdeen Shrine 7
photo by D.Middleburgh

another shrine about 3 shops down.

HK Aberdeen Shrine 6

HK Aberdeen Shrine 6
photo by D.Middleburgh

This one is built into fabric of the shop wall, Also opposite the Aberdeen Praya

HK Aberdeen Shrine 5c

HK Aberdeen Shrine 5c
photo by D.Middleburgh

shows the idols (just) and offerings

HK Aberdeen Shrine 5a

HK Aberdeen Shrine 5a
photo by D.Middleburgh

they come in various sizes; shows offerings, idols etc

HK Aberdeen Shine 2

HK Aberdeen Shine 2
photo by D.Middleburgh

and as proof the $ is not the true god of HK this, well maintained ,only one previous owner,in desirable location, shrine was in window of a propery agents (its not for sale although I dare say they will tell you where to get one for a fee)

HK Aberdeen Boots

HK Aberdeen Boots
photo by D.Middleburgh

This is really a photo of the wellies not the shrine

HK Aberdeen Shrine 1

HK Aberdeen Shrine 1
photo by D.Middleburgh

This is actually buit into the fabric of the building wall, Opposite the Nam Ning street Shrine

HK Aberdeen Shrine 3

HK Aberdeen Shrine 3
photo by D.Middleburgh

Side shot of the Nam Ning Street Shrine. Note the smaller shrines on the side. Its considered bad luck when renovating a property to destroy/throw away the shrine so its not uncommon to find that shrine would be moved and placed with other shrines in a bublic place. Same thing with idols The used to be a tree opposite the Fire Station near Electric Road that "accumulated" unwanted idols - looked like a sea gnomes

HK Aberdeen Shrine 4

HK Aberdeen Shrine 4
photo by D.Middleburgh

This shrine is in the middle of Aberdeen at juncytion of Chengtu road and Nam Ning Street. I have no idea how old it is . There are frequently people lighting incense sticks in memory of relatives and as you see old ladies keeping it tidy

HK Aberdeen Vine

HK Aberdeen Vine
photo by D.Middleburgh

The Bus Terminal at Aberdeen HK services at least three bus companies each of which have little cabins for their staff- but this eco friendly which is a grape vine (probably the only one in HK) I think may be the the "original" Note the mini shrine on the left

HK Aberden Vine Shrine

HK Aberden Vine Shrine
photo by D.Middleburgh

Busman's mini shrine : Note the offerings, incence stick pots and idol to Tin Hau (Goddess of the Sea)

HK Aberdeen Shrine 5b

HK Aberdeen Shrine 5b
photo by D.Middleburgh

next to the bus terminus (towards Wong Chuk Hang there is a cluster of shrines at foot of the road leading up to the "Warehouse" (a youth centre) previously a colonial police station . Opposite in Ap Lei Chau is a temple facing police station with dragons to ward off its "evil". Shrines are frequently located at significant (Feng Shui) locations and in this case there is also a prominent rock formation beside the shrines

posted by David Middleburgh on Monday, November 20, 2006 Permalink