What to cook first.. and did we have enough beef
The object of the exercise is to transfer a cup of water between three people without spilling it . Team that transfers most.. wins. It helps if you have good working relationship with your colleagues... and don't suffer from athritis
We in fact had both a raffle and a one off round of bingo for a cash prize to which we all contributed.The pot was over 1500RMB ?? I think
Alfred didn't know what it was .. until someone explained that it was an integral part of our SOX procedures ... it is in fact the department "pay now" stick which has to be waved like a wand accompanied by loud chant of "pay now" when ever a payment needs expediting
I am sure that these were noodles that Eva was fishing out ... but who knows .. one of the joys of hotpots
Everyone contributes a present worth approximately 50RMB (ie cheap) Essentially you take turns in picking out 2 slips one for person who picks next and one for your present. However if you don't like it you can swop with someone who has picked before (they can't refuse!!) ie last person who potentially gets the left over can choose whatever has gone before.I ended up with a Christmass pudding since whilst seasonal it's not exactly high on the Chinese "must have" lists
Eating hotpot is serious stuff - if you get food poisoning it's because YOU didn't cook it properly !!
Group photos - big thing - everyone with everyone. was like being at a chinese wedding
Sam was clever he got the chair after it was vacated by the Loban
If I remember correctly, Jen was not eying up Steven's Hotpot with a view to a snatch and munch but debating whether to have a soft drink or a beer... before I consumed it all..
When I do this with my chopsticks, I normally get told off !!
On Dora's left behind the fresh vegetables as you look, is sliced beef and in front fishy things all of which end up in the pot