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- Hoegh Transit: Built in 1981 (compared to most of the other ships photographed - this is positively old ) Is a pure car carrier which can carry up to 5,188 cars. Was outbound and probably had discharged its load for the burgeoning Chinese market
- Ocean Something: In the best tradition of tramp steamers the second word in the name was rusted over. The small onbord cranes allow containers to be offloaded to barges or quayside as and where necessary. the maritime equivalent of the local delivery van
- Aberdeen Fishing Boat: Local fishing boat coming home
- Sand Barge: This sand barge was under tow by a tug - unfortuantely the tow was so long that the tug had dissapeared behind a building before the barge had fully emerged from behind the building on the other side
- Petrol Ferry: Petroleum (and presumably diesel) are shipped to the outlining islands from the terminal down the road.You can see a tanker on the ferry
- Orange Tug: I haven't worked out the color coding or function of some of the smaller vessels which zip up and down. I believe this is a some sort of tug (by virtue of its size.. and the two smoke stacks) The smaller orange boats bring the pilot out to boat and possibly customs crews.
- Titan Fu hai: The name is indistinct but I belive this is the Titan Fu Hai which is a Chinese Bulk Carrier ?
- HK Trawler : I know this is a Trawler (because I visited the HK fisheries education centre and watched the video) but for the life of me I don't know whether it is one of the environmentally friendly ones or one of the BAD ones!!
- Lamma - Aberdeen Ferry: This is one of the Lamma ferries. Since this shot was taken early Saturday morning the passengers are probably going to work on HK island
- Aberdeen Fishemen: This boat which was about to dissapear behind a building was unintentionally capured when I photographed another ship.When I reviewed the shot I realised that this was more interesting. Apart from two guys sitting holding hands on the stern there is another forward of the "mast". Considering how far away the boat was I think this is a really cool shot (even if it is a bit grainy)
- HK Rich Kid's Toy: I was going to refer to this as a Yacht but its really a "pleasure" cruiser of which there are a number moored in Aberdeen harbour. It may be a corporate assest but it's probably a rich mans toy. I want one !!
- Water Taxi: This sampan from Aberdeen is making the crossing to Lamma. The guys on board are braver than I
- Undersea Cables: I am guessing - the superstructure and the red "communications?" mast suggest that is is something other than a tug - although it could be an ocean going tug or some sort of salvage vessel. Maybe it lays or fixes undersea cables. Note the other boat behind.
- Wee Fishing Boat: I think this boat is coming from one of the small fish farms around Lamma
- Tug 1: Took this as the sun was going down; The light playing on water caught my imagination
- Tug 2: Although its going in the right direction it isn/t the tug towing the sand barge !!
posted by David Middleburgh on Wednesday, August 20, 2008